2020 DWC Spring Luncheon - Virtual Event
The Prodigal Daughter – Redeemed
Due to the epidemic we are faced with, this year’s luncheon on site has been cancelled. Although, DWC continued the Virtual Campaign through May 5, 2020.
DWC extends out heartfelt thanks to everyone for the support given during our virtual campaign.


Larry & Janet

The Broesche Family Foundation
Paul & Linda Kay Bell
Jim & Josette Cramer
Diocese of Amarillo
Perry & Diann Gilmore
Myrna Hill
Jerry & Margaret Hodge
Clarence & Betty Lou Marak
Dean Morrison
Schooler Funeral Home
Richard & Jennifer McElreath
New Day Productions
Currie Drilling Co.
Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Leslie O’Loughlin
Baker Farms
Bank of America
Peyton Bivins & Tom Bivins
Blue Sage – Charitable Annunity
Bruckner Family Foundation
Central Church of Christ
Judy Cook
LuLu Cowan
Mary Kay Dammier
Molly Davis
Pattilou Dawkins
Wayne & Debbie Elliston
Joann & Erich Drochner Advise & Consult Fund
John R. Sanderson, Inc.
Muff London
Charlie McMordie
Joe Nichols
Thomas C. Riney
Jane Roberts
Soroptimist International of Amarillo
Toot’n Totum
Wilson Haag & Co PC
Xcel Energy
Prince of Peae LWML
Potter’s Daughters
Wayne & Vicki Covey
Anthony & Michele Agonstini
Amarillo College
Bonna Benjamin
Jay & Laronda Bingham
Tina Brandon
Ron & Lynn Clark
Claude Treasure Chest
John Doucette
Kela Henderson
Kit & Sharla Jackson
Richard & Lucy Jalbert
Jimmy Ray Campbell & Melodee Borger Campbell Trust
Bob & Yphon LaRoche
Wales & Nita Madden
McMennamy Family Trust
Messiah’s House
Bruce & Robbie Moseley
Bob & Patricia Schneider
Joseph & Shari Sullivan
The Gayle & Peter Bickers Foundation
The Scott and Gloria Herrick Foundation
Tracer Consulting
Hon. Abe & Dottie Lopez
Amarillo River Fellowship
David & Shanny Dow
Diane Dyess
Elaine Hazelwood
George & Margaret Kenney
Timothy & Virginia Keys
Robert Marx
JC & Julia Mathis
Jim & Cathy McCarty
Bill & Pat Murray
Eulis Nelson
Ponder Co, Inc
Glenna Raffkind
Gary & Pat Strickland
Martha Tepera
Patsy Walker
Barry & Suzanne Willis
Vern & Diane Wilson