September 22, 2021
The Uptown Shoppe and all of our staff and volunteers will be moving after Christmas 2021!
It is hard to believe that the Uptown Shoppe has been in Wolflin Square for over 13 years since February 2008! Where have these years gone?
Downtown Women’s Center’s (DWC) Board of Directors and Staff want to thank you for shopping in our Uptown Shoppe and giving us the chance to stand among the other great merchants in Wolflin Square. It has certainly been a privilege and a good experience to have been in this location for these last 13 years.
Uptown Shoppe will be moving at the end of December to Thrift City, at 812 SW 10th. Just the planning of rehabbing Thrift City inside and outside prior to making this move is exciting! Uptown Shoppe will keep its own wonderful employees, Maria and Rosie, and our faithful volunteers. The special area designated for Uptown Shoppe at Thrift City is about as large as the space at Wolflin.
DWC will soon have all three of our retail stores located on 10th Street starting January 3, 2022. Customers will be able to visit Thrift City Too, Thrift City and Uptown Shoppe — all on 10th Avenue — and will be able to see all of our merchandise, including our Uptown Shoppe’s upscale items. Uptown Shoppe will be easily assessible at Thrift City through the west or south doors. A new color scheme for flooring, new walls, fixtures, new dressing rooms and so much more are being planned! We have a lot to do between now and the end of December! Together, we can do it!
DWC owns the large blue building at 10th and Adams, where Thrift City is located. There will be much less expense to operate Uptown Shoppe inside the Thrift City building and there will automatically be more customers. Thrift City’s floor space has been somewhat underutilized and with a lot of planning, Uptown Shoppe will continue as our third retail store located inside the building occupied by Thrift City. On the outside of our Thrift City building, you will start seeing more security additions, landscaping, increased parking spaces, and more.
Our DWC retail stores on 10th Street will include Uptown Shoppe starting 1-3-21:
Thrift City | 812 SW 10th Ave.
Featuring adult men and women’s clothing, children and baby’s clothing, shoes, purses, jewelry, linens, furniture and more.
Uptown Shoppe | 812 SW 10th Ave.
Featuring brand name clothing that are new and like new for men and women, shoes, clothing accessories like belts, scarves and jewelry, furs, china, antiques, name brand furniture and more.
Thrift City Too | 525 SW 10th Ave.
Featuring seasonal items especially Christmas, handyman, disability equipment, crafts, dishes, pots and pans, knick-knacks, children’s toys, luggage and more.
Again, thank you for believing in our DWC mission, ‘to provide housing and services to overcome homelessness and addiction.’ It takes a lot of money to support homeless women and their children with everything from basic needs to trauma counseling. Your support from your in-kind donations and shopping in our stores are so important to the on-going success of our DWC Recovery Program. On behalf of all the women and children whom we have served for over the past 32 years, we thank you! For your continued support, we thank you in advance for all of the women and children to come.
Pedro Limas
Board President
Diann Gilmore, LMSW-AP
Executive Director